Thursday, October 23, 2008

Educate Our Clients

The lifeblood of our business is "prospecting". We have to keep a study flow of potential clients in our pipeline. We close one transaction - while looking for the next one - prospecting! I don't know about your experience, but people usually respond to me about the economy, the lack of money, job security, and their "dreadful" credit problems when I am prospecting. Maybe I'm talking to the wrong people - maybe, but there is hope out there!

There are programs that can help your prospects turn into clients by directing them to credit worthiness seminars and workshops. Remember during these times, we must educate our clients. We must help them understand "CREDIT" and how to get from under the dreadful, but needed weight.

On November 11, 2008 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, a FREE seminar will be held at Clayton State University titled, "The Credit Crunch: Understanding and Protecting Your Credit". The workshop is free - so direct your prospects to the seminar and while you are at it - attend too! We, as Real Estate Professionals, need to stay informed so we can educate our Clients!

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